Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Why hire an independent insurance agent?

Your independent insurance agent in Prescott is Adler Insurance.
Consumers generally think they benefit when they buy insurance directly. Adler Insurance explains why this is not true. Many customers think a middle man is an unnecessary third party and they will pay more. So why should you hire an independent insurance broker agent. So what is really important to consumers when researching insurance? These are the 5 things that consumers are concerned with when purchasing insurance.

1. Cost- contrary to belief broker pricing is actually better than direct insurance pricing. The reason for this seems is due to insurers providing different rates to brokers so the premiums are lower.

2. Ease - most thought that buying directly would be easier, but many online queries fell through the cracks. Most brokers are more pro-active in answering phone calls and emails.

3. Speed - Many direct services are routed to call centers with staff not really having insurance knowledge. Brokers were more efficient and saved customers lots of time by answering their questions at the time of inquiry and having the information.

4. Peace of mind that everything is covered - Brokers are more efficient at cross-checking policies and educating their customers with detailed explanations of coverage. Many times the really good direct services focused only covering the low risk policies, and leaving any consumer with non-standard requirements high and dry.

5. Security of personal data - Brokers were better at giving people a stronger feeling that they were in safe hands because they were dealing directly over the phone and not just inputting their data into a website.

Let Adler Insurance help you with all your insurance needs. Trust us to shop around and the policy that best suits your needs. For more information call us at 928-710-1455 or check out our website at

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Health Insurance in Prescott
Prescott Independent Insurance Broker
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Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Prescott Medicare Open Enrollment information

Medicare open enrollment in Prescott, information from Adler Insurance
Adler Insurance wants you to know that every year, Medicare open enrollment is available from October 15 through December 7. Medicare health and drug plans may have changed their costs, coverage, and which providers and pharmacies are now included in their networks. This is the only time when all people with Medicare can change their health and prescription drug coverage for the following year.

People with a Medicare health or a prescription drug plan should always review the materials that their plans has sent them. Make sure you carefully review the “Evidence of Coverage” (EOC) and “Annual Notice of Change” (ANOC). If anything is changing, you should make sure that it will still meet your needs for the following year. If you are satisfied with your current plan you don’t need to do anything.

Information for next year’s plans will be available beginning in October. You can find your Medicare plan information and compare plans at 800-MEDICARE or 

If you have special needs, Medicare has outreach and media materials for English-speaking and other audiences that can help you to aid others with Medicare open enrollment.
Adler Insurance in Prescott, AZ is more then happy to answer any questions you may have regarding Medicare open enrollment. We're experts when it comes to evaluating your insurance needs, and are here to help you. Give us a call at 928-710-1455 or visit our website at:

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Medicare Insurance in Prescott
Prescott Healthcare Insurance
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Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Adler Insurance discusses Medicare enrollment in Prescott

Medicare Enrollment in Prescott information by Adler Insurance
The Medicare Part D prescription drug plan can be very confusing. Adler Insurance can help you with your Medicare enrollment in Prescott and explain what you should consider when choosing a Medicare Part D plan.

If you are a recipient of Medicare coverage, you are eligible to receive Medicare Part D. This helps with the following: Cover the cost of prescription medications, can be offed as a stand alone plan or complement a Medicare Supplement Plan, and can be a complement to Part C.

All Part D plans have been approved by Medicare in Prescott. Each plan is different as well as the cost. This mean you must take into consideration the pros and cons of each plan.

Questions you should ask yourself:
How often do you take prescription drugs?
What are the types of drugs do you take?
Do you take brand name or generic drugs?
Would you prefer a yearly deductible or a cheaper monthly premium?

Not all Medicare Part D plans are the same. The costs of Medicare Prescription Drug Plans vary and come with a different lists of drugs (formularies) that are covered under the plan. Most Plans divide the drugs up into at least four categories, with a different price for each category.

There are specific times when you can sign up for these plans, or make changes to coverage you already have. You don’t need to sign up for Medicare each year. However, each year you’ll have a chance to review your coverage and change plans.

Adler Insurance in Prescott, AZ is more then happy to answer any questions you may have on Medicare Part D. We're experts when it comes to evaluating your insurance needs, and are here to help you. Contact us at 928-710-1455. Visit our website at:

More Information:
Medicare Insurance in Prescott
Prescott Healthcare Insurance
Helpful Medicare Insurance Information

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Who is eligible for Medicare?

Adler Medicare eligibility and insurance in Prescott, AZAdler Insurance in Prescott brings you these helpful tips about Medicare eligibility. Medicare is available for people age 65 or older, younger people with disabilities and people with End Stage Renal Disease. Medicare has two parts, Part A (Hospital Insurance) and Part B (Medicare Insurance).

To find out if you are eligible and your expected premium, go the eligibility tool.

If you (or your spouse) did not pay Medicare taxes while you worked, and you are age 65 or older and a citizen or permanent resident of the United States, you may be able to buy Part A.

If you are under age 65, you can get Part A without having to pay premiums if:

•You have been entitled to Social Security or Railroad Retirement Board disability benefits for 24 months.

•You are a kidney dialysis or kidney transplant patient.

While most people do not have to pay a premium for Part A, everyone must pay for Part B if they want it. This monthly premium is deducted from your Social Security, Railroad Retirement, or Civil Service Retirement check. If you do not get any of these payments, Medicare sends you a bill for your Part B premium every 3 months.

Since January 1, 2006, anyone with Medicare, regardless of income, health status has had access to prescription drug coverage.

Medicare eligibility can be confusing, so contact Adler insurance today for more information and clarification for what is right for you. Call 928-710-1455 or visit our website

More Information:
Medicare Insurance in Prescott
Prescott Healthcare Insurance Broker
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