Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Adler Insurance, your Medicare expert in Prescott, discusses Medicare Part F

Adler Insurance is your Prescott Medicare specialist and can help you unravel your Medicare options.
If you’re 65 or older, you have probably learned about Medicare Parts A and B, but are you familiar with Medicare Part F? Adler Insurance, Prescott's independent Medicare broker, talks about why the extensive coverage provided by Medicare Part F makes this such a popular plan.

It's possible for beneficiaries to be left with no or only minimal hospital and medical debt because Part F covers most remaining hospital and doctor costs after Original Medicare (Part A and Part B) has paid its share.

Regardless of your location, you can expect the same exact basic benefits for a Part F supplement sold anywhere in your state. Even though the basic coverage is the same, premium costs may vary.

For those who don’t mind paying for out-of-pocket costs up front, there is also a different high deductible Part F choice. This variant of the regular Part F requires beneficiaries to pay every out-of-pocket expense till the deductible is reached (which for 2018 is $2,240). After meeting the deductible, the high-deductible Part F starts to pay for Medicare-covered costs.

What does not change between the standard Part F and the high-deductible Part F option are the basic benefits:   
  • Part A hospital and coinsurance costs up to an additional 356 days after Medicare benefits are exhausted
  • Part A hospice care copayment or coinsurance
  • Part B coinsurance
  • Part B excess charges
  • Part A deductible   
  • Part B deductible   
  • First three pints of blood used in an approved medical procedure (annually)   
  • Foreign travel emergency coverage (80%, up to plan limits)
  • Skilled nursing facility coinsurance
If you see a doctor frequently, or you require a lot of health-care services, or are facing mounting out-of-pocket expenses, the comprehensive coverage of Part F generally offers the most help with your Original Medicare costs.

Still wondering what is the right Medicare plan for you? Call the experts at Adler Insurance today at 928-710-1455 to learn more about Medicare Part F or any Medigap plan coverage available to Prescott residents. Learn more at

Medicare Insurance in Prescott
Prescott Medicare Broker
Helpful Medicare Articles

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Adler Insurance, your local Prescott insurance professional, answers: Can seniors get life insurance?

Adler Insurance specializes in helping Prescott seniors get the insurance coverage they need, including life insurance.
Adler Insurance knows that finding the right insurance coverage for Prescott seniors can get confusing. And many seniors wonder if they are eligible for life insurance. At Adler Insurance, we promise to find the right insurance to fit your particular needs.

We specialize in:
  • Medicare Advantage Insurance
  • Life Insurance
  • Medicare Supplement Insurance
  • Medicare Part D Prescription Drugs
  • Long-Term Care Insurance
For example, term life insurance may be an excellent choice. Depending on the term length, the policy pays a death benefit to your beneficiaries if you pass during the term.

It’s a fact that age plays a significant role in purchasing insurance for seniors. And while there are some age restrictions (varies from company to company), the age limit for life insurance is probably higher than you once thought.

Common age cutoffs are:
  • Age 80 for a 10-year term   
  • Age 75 for a 15-year term
  • Age 70 for a 20-year term
  • Age 55 for a 25-year term
  • Age 55 for a 30-year term

Permanent life insurance, generally a more expensive form of insurance, that covers you for the rest of your life is typically limited to 75 or 80 years old. “Final expense”' insurance is sometimes offered to consumers up to 85 years old.

Of course, life insurance gets more expensive as you get older.  But even if you're just past 50 you will probably find the application process a little more complicated than you expected.

The bottom line is that procrastinating on the purchase of insurance can be costly depending on the type of insurance you are buying. If you are age 40 and wait just a decade to buy, your rates could double.  If you want until after 60, you can expect rates to triple!

Are you a senior with questions about purchasing life insurance? Regardless of the type of insurance Prescott seniors may need or want, they can rely on Adler Insurance for a comprehensive and professional review of their situation. To schedule an appointment, contact us at 928-710-1455 or visit us at

Prescott Life Insurance
Medicare Insurance in Prescott
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