Friday, October 28, 2016

Adler Insurance in Prescott discusses the importance of life insurance

Adler Insurance dicusses the importance of Life Insurance in Prescott.
Insurance can be confusing and it’s hard to know what you really need or want.  Adler Insurance discusses the importance of life insurance in Prescott.  As we grow older, get married, build families we realize that life insurance is a part of a sound financial plan.  Life insurance provides comfort in knowing money is available to protect your loved ones in the event of your death.

Here are four reasons to have life insurance:

Protect Your Family and Loved Ones
If your loved ones depend on your financial support for their livelihood, then life insurance is a must

Leave an Inheritance
This is a great way to set your kids up for a solid financial future and provide for any monetary needs that will arise.

Pay Off Debts and Other Expenses
In addition to providing income to cover everyday living expenses ike the mortgage, credit cards and car loans.

Peace of Mind, Plain and Simple
No amount of money can ever replace a person. But more than anything, life insurance can help provide protection for the uncertainties in life.

To help determine your life insurance needs you can reach Adler Insurance at (928)710-1455 or by visiting

More Information:
Medical Insurance in Prescott
Prescott Life Insurance
Medicare Information

Friday, October 21, 2016

Adler Insurance in Prescott shines a light on the importance of Medicare for seniors

Adler Insurance in Prescott highlights the importance of Medicare.
Insurance, medical and pharmaceutical costs are rising at a very rapid pace, and this is one of the reasons why Medicare was introduced. The plans take care of medical expenses like drugs, hospital stays and doctor’s visits.  It is a medical plan that is federally funded for Americans who reached the age of 65. Given the need for seniors to know more about medical coverage Adler Insurance of Prescott provides an in depth look at its importance. 

Medicare Parts
This plan is made up of four different parts including Part A, Part B, Part C and Part D. Part A includes hospital insurance, which pays for outpatient care.  Part B includes medical insurance which caters for medical services, doctor’s services and supplies.  Part C allows various organizations to serve those who have signed up for different plans.  Part D deals with the prescription drugs that doctors have written for patients. 

Why is Medicare Important?
Medical expenses have skyrocketed especially for those over the age of 65 and retired.  Medicare is essential because with no source of income, retirees and seniors will have difficulty paying for the increase in prices.  The other reason care for seniors is important is that elderly people are more prone to injuries and diseases.  This makes plans such as Medicare all the more important to ensure the care that they need. 

For more information on Medicare and the different plans that are available to you contact Adler Insurance by calling 928-710-1455 or by visiting our website at

More Information:
Prescott Healthcare Insurance Broker
Medicare Insurance in Prescott
Life Insurance Information

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Must Know Open Enrollment Dates for Medicare in Prescott Arizona provided by Adler Insurance

Open Enrollment and Medicare are often confusing, particularly if you haven't had to apply for them before.  Adler Insurance in Prescott wants to shine a light on important information that will help seniors not only apply, but also discuss the intricacies of Arizona Medicare numbers. 

Medicare Open Enrollment Information provided by Adler Insurance of PrescottQ: When is Medicare Open Enrollment for 2017 coverage?
A: For 2017 Medicare coverage, open enrollment is in the fall of 2016, from October 15 to December 7. (The specific dates changed in 2011, but have been the same ever since, and should remain as-is for the foreseeable future.)

During this annual enrollment period (AEP)  you can make changes to various aspects of your coverage.

  • You can switch from Original Medicare to Medicare Advantage, or vice versa.
  • You can also switch from one Medicare Advantage plan to another, or from one Medicare Part D (prescription drug) plan to another.

If you want to enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan, you must meet some basic criteria.

  • You must be enrolled in Medicare Part A and B.
  • You must live in the plan’s service area.
Is auto-renewal available?

If you’re already enrolled in a Medicare Part D prescription plan or a Medicare Advantage Plan and you don’t want to make changes to your coverage for 2017, you don’t need to do anything during open enrollment, assuming your current plan will still be available in 2017.

In Arizona in 2017:

  • 100 percent of people with Medicare have access to a Medicare Advantage plan.
  • 71 Medicare Advantage plans are available.
  • 22 Medicare Prescription Drug Plans are available.
  • 83 percent of people with Part D have access to a plan with a lower premium than what they paid in 2016.
  • 27 percent of people with Medicare Part D get Extra Help (also called the low-income subsidy, or LIS).
  • $17 is the lowest monthly premium for a prescription drug plan.
If you are interested in more information regarding Open Enrollment for Medicare contact Adler Insurance at (928)710-1455 or by visiting our website at

More Information:
Medical Insurance in Prescott
Prescott Healthcare Insurance
Medicare Information

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Prescott Medicare Part D explained by Adler Insurance

In 2006, Medicare began covering some prescription drugs taken at home.   It introduced Part D drug plans, which are actually operated by private insurance companies with oversight by Medicare.  At Adler Insurance in Prescott, we are here to answer all your questions about Medicare Part D.

Medicare Part D explained by Adler Insurance in PrescottThe Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) or Medicare is responsible for the administration of the Medicare Part D prescription drug program.  There are approximately 40 to 50 Medicare Part D prescription drug plans (or PDPs) available in each state or CMS region.

In general, Medicare Part D prescription drug plans provide insurance coverage for your prescription drugs - just like other types of insurance.  If you join a Medicare Part D prescription drug plan, you will pay a monthly premium ranging from only a few dollars up to over 100 dollars.

Some Medicare Part D or Medicare Advantage plans have an initial deductible where you pay 100% of your prescription costs before your Part D prescription drug coverage or benefits begin.  Please note, that you may pay a higher monthly premium for Medicare Part D plans with no initial deductible. Also, the amount of the initial deductible can (and probably will) change each coverage year.

Make a list of the drugs the potential subscriber to the plan needs. Then check with each plan to see which drugs are included in what's called its drug formulary.  If more than one plan covers all the drugs, choose the plan that has the fewest restrictions on access to those drugs and the lowest total costs.

Medicare's website has information about Part D drug plans available where you live, including the medications currently in each plan's formulary.  Or you can contact Adler Insurance Inc., by visiting or give us a call at (928)710-1455.

More Information:
Medicare Part D in Prescott
Prescott Healthcare Insurance Broker
Healthcare Articles