Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Why should you choose an Independent Insurance Agent in Prescott

choose an independent insurance agent in prescottFinding the right insurance can be very complicated and time consuming. You are striving to protect your hard earned assets and need to make sure you are covered correctly. Adler Insurance answers why you should choose an independent insurance agent in Prescott to help you with this difficult task.

They give you a choice – Independent agents typically represent a multitude of insurance companies.  By doing so, they can find you the best value by shopping those companies for you. They find you the right blend of price, coverage, and service.

They are licensed experts – Independent insurance agents can explain the complexities of insurance in simple terms, helping you make smart decisions. Their career is assisting clients in making good decisions when it comes to their coverage.  It is their responsibility to you, their client, to make sure you have the right coverage you need.

They are personal advisers – Independent insurance agents not only find you competitive pricing, they make sure you are adequately covered. They will sit with you and go over all of your needs to ensure you don't have any gaps in your coverage.

They are your advocate – If you have a claim or billing concern, or need to change your coverage, your agent can be your advocate, working with the insurance companies on your behalf.

They are right around the corner – A local agent is your neighbor.  Loving the same community and citizens as you.  They support your town and are there to help.

They offer one-stop shopping – Independent insurance agents can usually meet all of your insurance needs with the companies they represent.  Making your life so much easier only having to deal with one agent for all of your insurance needs.

Adler Insurance would love to be your independent insurance agency.  We offer health, life and medicare solutions. Please call 928-710-1455 or visit our website at

More Information: 
Independent Insurance Agent in Prescott

Prescott  Insurance
Helpful Insurance Articles

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

What exactly is Medicaid? Adler Insurance in Prescott explains

Adler Insurance helpful information about Medicaid in Prescott
Health coverage is meant to be obtainable by everyone, however in some cases medical care would be out of reach for those who cannot afford it financially. Medicaid could be your solution. Adler insurance in Prescott explains what Medicaid is and who can get it.

What is Medicaid?

According to the U.S. Government Social Security Administration's website, they define Medicaid as follows:

"Medicaid is a jointly funded, Federal-State health insurance program for low-income and needy people.  It covers children, the aged, blind, and/or disabled and other people who are eligible to receive federally assisted income maintenance payments."

Arizona has the following eligibility requirements for determining who qualifies for Medicaid:

  • Children 0-1 with family income up to 147% of Federal Poverty Level (FPL).
  • Age 1-5 with family income up to 141% of FPL.
  • Age 6-18 with family income up to 133% of FPL.
  • Pregnant women with family income up to 156% of FPL.
  • Parents with family income up to 133% of FPL.
  • Childless, non-elderly adults with family income up to 133% of FPL.
  • Elderly and disabled individuals who have special requirements and meet certain income limits.

 If you would like to learn more, or have any questions give us a call today! We can help you figure out what is best for your particular situation. Contact Adler Insurance in Prescott, call 928-710-1455 or visit our website at today.

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Medicaid in Prescott
Prescott Medical Insurance
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Friday, February 10, 2017

What Are Medigap Plans? Medicare information provided by Adler Insurance in Prescott

Adler insurance in Prescott explains some information about Medigap policies
Medicare provides a whole lot of coverage, but it doesn't cover everything. Medigap is extra health insurance that you buy from a private party to cover co-payments, deductibles, and health care when traveling outside the United States, however you will pay a monthly premium for a Medigap policy. Adler Insurance brings you this information on the basics of Prescott Medigap policies.

Am I eligible for Medigap?

Medigap policies are only available to people who have Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B, although people who have a Medicare Advantage plan cannot get a Medigap plan. Medigap policies won't cover long-term care, dental care, vision care, hearing aids, eyeglasses, and private-duty nursing. And most plans do not cover prescription drugs.

If you are going to buy a Medigap plan, the open enrollment period is six months from the first day of the month of your 65th birthday. If you and your spouse want Medigap coverage, you'll need to buy separate policies; spouses aren't covered together.

What is the cost?

Premiums vary among insurance companies, but the benefits of each standard Medigap plan are always the same. There are many different Medigap policies to choose from, however there is no difference in plans offered by different insurers; plan details are all set by the government.

The cost of your Medigap policy depends on the type of plan you buy, the insurance company, your location, and your age. A standardized Medigap policy is guaranteed renewable, even if you have health problems, if you pay your premiums on time.

Still want to know more?

For more information on the specifics of Medigap plans, give us a call today! We can help you to choose a policy that will meet your needs. Contact Adler Insurance in Prescott, call 928-710-1455 or visit our website at today.

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Medicare Supplements in Prescott
Prescott Healthcare Insurance Broker
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