Thursday, June 28, 2018

Adler Insurance discusses comprehensive health insurance coverage in Prescott

Fore healp with comprehensive health care in the Prescott area, please give Adler Insurance a call.
Comprehensive medical insurance describes health insurance that provides coverage for most types of medical expenses. If you are not eligible for Medicare, you may be fortunate enough to be offered health care insurance through your employer. If not, you have a few choices to make and in order to make a better decision, Adler Insurance, your health insurance specialists in Prescott, would like to explain some of your options.

Costs: With comprehensive health care insurance, you’ll be required to pay premiums, deductibles and co-pays. You pay monthly premiums and, in addition, many policies have deductibles which must be met before the policy provides benefits. Finally, whenever you receive health care services, you may need  be required to pay varying amounts, called "co-pays," for services you receive.

Classifications: There are two general classes of comprehensive medical coverage: "Group" and "Individual." You may have a group plan sponsored by your employer, union or professional organization. Group plans typically provide the most benefits at the lowest price. Insurance companies also sell individual plans directly to the public. Individually purchased health insurance usually is more expensive and provides fewer benefits.

Types: The type of coverage you choose is extremely important:
  • FFS - Fee-for-service plans provide the most options, allowing you to use any provider you choose. However, purchasing these plans on the open market can be expensive.
  • HMO - Health maintenance organizations both insure and deliver health care. HMOs are the least expensive but most restrictive plans. You must live in an HMO's service area to join. In addition, all of your healthcare must approved through a single primary care physician. All referrals to specialists must be through the primary care physician as well.
  • PPO - Preferred provider organizations are more expensive than HMOs but less restrictive, meaning referrals are generally not required.
  • POS - Point-of-service plans combine an HMO with a PPO and let their members decide which benefits to use. Cost and restrictions tend to average out between the HMO and the PPO models.
Choosing the right comprehensive health insurance coverage is a decision that can be difficult to make without the help of a professional who understands the various coverages offered. If you need to purchase comprehensive health insurance in Prescott and don’t know where to start, give the experts at Adler Insurance a call at 928-710-1455. To learn more about life insurance or Medicare options, please visit our website at

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Thursday, June 14, 2018

Adler Insurance strives to help Prescott residents determine if you have enough life insurance

Adler Insurance is your expert source for life insurance in Prescott
It is never exact, but there are ways to make sure your loved ones are financially able to cope if something should happen to you, especially unexpectedly. Adler Insurance wants to help Prescott residents determine if you are adequately covered with the right amount of life insurance.

Again, this will not be an exact amount, but a good place to start is by calculating your long-term financial obligations and then subtracting assets. The number that you come up with is the “gap” that you will want your life insurance to fill. There are several formulas you can use to help you arrive at the right numbers. Here are a few:

The outdated rule
One rule, that many believe to be outdated, is the “income multiplied by 10 rule”. This does not take into account inflation, interest and one very important factor: the stay-at-home spouse/parent. Both parents should have a policy, even if one does not work. Should something happen to the stay-at-home parent, there will be hidden income costs that the “income multiplied by 10” will not cover. If you are going to use this calculation method, be sure to keep these things in mind.

Ten times your income, plus $100,000 per child for education
Thinking about education is important when coming up with the right amount to purchase. This is a good start, but do not forget to really study the “income multiplied by 10” to make sure you are taking into account everything.

This formula is probably a better way to go than the two previously mentioned. Why? DIME considers the following: debt, income, mortgage and education. All need to be considered when coming up with the right amount of life insurance.
  • Debt: Make sure this is debt other than the mortgage. And don’t forget to add estimated funeral expenses.
  • Income: How many years will you need this income? Perhaps sitting down with a professional will help you arrive at that figure.
  • Mortgage: What is the amount needed to pay off the mortgage?
  • Education: There are formulas you can use to determine the costs associated with education.

Once you determine which formula to use, you will then want to subtract your assets from that number.

Planning for the future is very important. It is also important to make sure you do not miscalculate when seeing to it that your loved ones will be taken care of. This planning should not be done in isolation. Let the experts at Adler Insurance, your life insurance experts in Prescott, look at your current life insurance policy(s) to make sure you are adequately covered. Call us today at 928-710-1455 and learn more about other types of insurance services we offer at

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