Monday, January 23, 2017

Adler Insurance answers the question of what is Medicare and why is it so important?

Adler Insurance answers questions on healthcare coverage for Medicare in PrescottWhen retiring you need your health care expenses to be predictable. Medicare plays a crucial role in providing some of that security. Unfortunately, Medicare is complicated, there are many parts that need to be looked at. Adler Insurance provides advice and help cutting through your choices for Medicare in Prescott.

The quick points to know about Medicare:

  • You have two basic choices. Medicare Advantage Plan or a fee-for-service plan.
  • There are 4 different parts. Parts are listed as A, B, C, D. These cover hospitalization, outpatient service, and prescription drugs.
  • Additional policies can be added such as Medigap. This type of policy limits the amount of out of pocket costs with your plan.
  • If you are retiring rich or well off, you may pay more for coverage. Be sure to discuss this with your retirement planner.
  • You have a limited time to sign up. If you are turning 65 now is the time to select a plan.
  • There is an annual enrollment. Take the time each year to review your coverage to get the best rates.
  • Don’t confuse Medicare with the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The ACA has helped many seniors get healthcare that couldn’t otherwise, however if you are nearing the age of 65 it is time to address your Medicare benefits.
  • Long term care is not covered completely. There is a short amount of time that Medicare will cover care in a skilled nursing facility, however there are stipulations on this.

Why is Medicare so important?

Because medical expenses have become very expensive, especially for those who are over the age of 65, some people wonder why to even have it at all. Medicare is important because the older population would find it too difficult to take care of their medical expenses without it. We all pay into different programs with taxes while we are young and working, to take advantage of these programs when the time comes to retire.

For more information on Medicare, its different Parts, and Medigap policies, contact Adler Insurance. We will help you with all your Prescott Medicare needs. Call us today at 928-710-1455 or visit us at

More Information:

Help with Medicare in Prescott
Prescott Healthcare Insurance Broker
Helpful Medicare Articles

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