Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Adler Insurance talks about health insurance options in Prescott for seniors

To get help making decisions about your Medicare options, contact Adler Insurance in PrescottSeniors have more options when it comes to obtaining health insurance than any other segment of the population, yet finding the right plan can be a challenge. Adler Insurance, your local Medicare insurance agent in Prescott, would like to give you more information on health insurance for seniors.

Given the number of health insurance options available to American seniors it is easy to understand why some research and thoughtfulness is necessary. Many of today’s seniors have to choose from one or more of the following forms of health insurance as they age:
  • Retiree coverage. Some seniors don’t have a whole lot to worry about in terms of acquiring health insurance when they retire. Many seniors can keep the coverage they first obtained via their employers even after they retire. What seniors must know is that private-sector employers are under no obligation to offer retiree health insurance. Most of those that decide to provide them can cut or eliminate those plans at any time unless they've made specific promises that they will maintain them.
  • Other private insurance. There are a number of private plans available. Take advantage of a special enrollment period when you visit a marketplace or exchange. This means you don’t have to wait until open enrollment to apply.
  • See if you qualify for Medicaid. Medicaid provides health coverage to millions of Americans, including eligible low-income adults, children, pregnant women, elderly adults and people with disabilities. Medicaid is administered by states, according to federal requirements. The program is funded jointly by states and the federal government.
  • Medicare. Once you turn 65 you’ll probably drop your marketplace plan in favor of Medicare. That's the federally backed health insurance program for seniors older than 65 and who spent at least 10 years working full time. (It also supports some younger people who receive Social Security disability benefits.) Here’s where things can get complicated. There isn’t just a single policy or product related to Medicare, but parts Part A, Part B, Part C, and Part D for medication. In addition, there’s a form of coverage known as Medicare supplement insurance, or “Medigap.”
Adler Insurance hopes this health insurance discussion for seniors has been helpful to you. Let us help you navigate these waters. We are experts in finding the right health insurance benefits for every individual situation. Call Prescott's local Medicare Insurance experts at Adler Insurance today at 928-710-1455 or visit us at for more information.

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Thursday, October 11, 2018

Adler Insurance, your Prescott Medicare specialist, recommends a review of your Medicare plans during Open Enrollment

Your local Medicare experts, Adler Insurance in Prescott
Since Medicare open enrollment only comes once a year, for a limited time, Prescott's Medicare expert, Adler Insurance, recommends an evaluation of your current Medicare coverage to help you gauge whether it's time to make some changes.

Every year insurance companies can, and do, make changes to Medicare plans, and Medicare supplement plans, that can affect your annual deductible, monthly premiums, prescription costs and your in-network and out-of-network provider choices.

Covered doctors, hospitals and even your long-standing list of covered drugs can all have changed. Given the possibility of these annual changes, it's important to review your existing Medicare plan every year to ensure it's still providing for your specific needs.

A review of your plan during Medicare's open-enrollment period can mean that you switch to better prescription drug coverage for yourself. It may also allow you to include coverage for the first time. Changing plans may make critical medications more affordable.

Research demonstrates that the average Medicare consumer can save at least $300 yearly by reviewing their Medicare Advantage or Part D coverage by making sure that your doctor, hospital and pharmacy are all 'in-network' with whatever Part D plan you have or choose. If an insurance company has changed providers or pharmacy network for your plan then the resources you use won't be included any longer. During the open-enrollment you can switch to a plan that does include your current pharmacy, hospital and doctors.

You can also switch to a higher rated plan. Medicare offers a 5-star rating system that can show you how your plan is rated. If your plan is rated less than 3-stars, they recommend using the open-enrollment period to switch to a higher rated plan.

Medicare's open -enrollment period begins October 15, 2018 and goes through December 7, 2018. If you're ready to reevaluate your Medicare insurance coverage, call Prescott's Medicare experts, Adler Insurance, today at 928-710-1455 or visit us at for more information.

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Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Adler Insurance, your Medicare expert in Prescott, shares tips for those who are new to Medicare

Adler Insurance, your Prescott Medicare specialists, can guide you through the complexities of Medicare insurance.
Are you looking for Original Medicare, a Medicare Advantage Plan, or Medicare Supplement Insurance? Do you know when you can enroll or change between plans? For years, Prescott residents have trusted Adler Insurance to answer their questions. If you're ready for Medicare here's a brief overview to to help explain what to expect.

If you are ready to enroll in Medicare - whether it's because of age or disability - there are certain times of the year ,with exceptions, you can choose to enroll in the Medicare coverage you want.

There are two primary ways to get Medicare coverage. One is known as Original Medicare (Part A and Part B). The other is a Medicare Advantage Plan (Part C). Depending on your needs or desired coverage, some people will want to get additional coverage like Medicare prescription drug coverage. One thing that many people may not understand is that a Medicare Advantage Plan is private insurance. It is not government insurance. Medicare (also known as Original Medicare) is a federal health insurance program. They are two very different types of insurance with different coverages, costs, deductibles and exclusions among other things. Medigap is Medicare Supplement Insurance. The following steps are a guideline to help you decide what coverage you want:.

When you first consider enrolling in Medicare here are some decisions you'll want to be prepared to make:
  • Do you want Original Medicare (Part A and Part B) or a Medicare Advantage Plan (Part C) (like an HMO or PPO)?
  • Do you want prescription drug coverage (Part D)?
  • Do you want supplemental coverage (Medigap)?
  • Do you know about other options?

Even if you have Original Medicare you may be able to get other types of Medicare health plans.

Depending on your income and resources you may be able to get help paying costs or have other choices available to you. You may also have additional co-coverage through an employer, a union, the military, or from veterans' benefits.

If you're eligible for Medicare and need help determining which plan is best for you or how Medicare works with other insurance, then don't wait to call Prescott's local Medicare insurance experts at Adler Insurance. Call us at 928-710-1455 or  visit us at for more information.

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Prescott Medicare Open Enrollment
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Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Adler Insurance, your health insurance specialist in Prescott, talks about Medicare supplement insurance

Adler Insurance, your Medicare insurance expert serving Prescott seniors, can help eliminate the confusion about your Medicare insurance.
Are you considering adding a Medicare supplement insurance plan to help cover some of the healthcare expenses that Medicare Parts A and B don't cover? Adler Insurance, your Prescott Medicare specialist, gives you an overview of Medicare supplements, also known as Medigap.

One thing that many people do not know is that Medicare supplement insurance plans are not connected with or endorsed by the U.S. government or the federal Medicare program. This is private insurance.

  • Medigap plans may help defray or reduce some of the costs outside of the coverage provided by Medicare Parts A and B, like co-insurance, co-payments, and deductibles.
  • To be eligible to purchase a Medigap plan, you need to be enrolled in Medicare Parts A & B. You must be a resident of the state where the policy is offered. You must be at least 65 years of age. In some states you may be eligible if you are under 65 but have a disability or end-stage renal disease.
  • Medicare supplement insurance plans are standardized into a variety of plans, all of which cover basic benefits. The plans vary because each one has additional benefits designed to meet specific needs. Along with varying plans come varying costs. Some plan benefits are provided at higher premiums with limited out-of-pocket costs, while others are are cost-sharing plans offering similar benefits at lower premiums, but with greater out-of-pocket costs.

Making a change to a Medicare supplement plan is limited to the first day of the month in which you turn at least 65 years old and are already enrolled in Medicare Part B. An insurance company cannot use your medical history for eligibility if you apply for a Medigap plan during the Open Enrollment period or if you qualify for a guaranteed issue.

If you have questions about Medicare supplement insurance plans, call your Prescott health insurance experts at Adler Insurance for an overview of all the options available to you. To speak to an agent today, call us at 928-710-1455 or visit us at

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Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Adler Insurance, your Medicare expert in Prescott, discusses Medicare Part F

Adler Insurance is your Prescott Medicare specialist and can help you unravel your Medicare options.
If you’re 65 or older, you have probably learned about Medicare Parts A and B, but are you familiar with Medicare Part F? Adler Insurance, Prescott's independent Medicare broker, talks about why the extensive coverage provided by Medicare Part F makes this such a popular plan.

It's possible for beneficiaries to be left with no or only minimal hospital and medical debt because Part F covers most remaining hospital and doctor costs after Original Medicare (Part A and Part B) has paid its share.

Regardless of your location, you can expect the same exact basic benefits for a Part F supplement sold anywhere in your state. Even though the basic coverage is the same, premium costs may vary.

For those who don’t mind paying for out-of-pocket costs up front, there is also a different high deductible Part F choice. This variant of the regular Part F requires beneficiaries to pay every out-of-pocket expense till the deductible is reached (which for 2018 is $2,240). After meeting the deductible, the high-deductible Part F starts to pay for Medicare-covered costs.

What does not change between the standard Part F and the high-deductible Part F option are the basic benefits:   
  • Part A hospital and coinsurance costs up to an additional 356 days after Medicare benefits are exhausted
  • Part A hospice care copayment or coinsurance
  • Part B coinsurance
  • Part B excess charges
  • Part A deductible   
  • Part B deductible   
  • First three pints of blood used in an approved medical procedure (annually)   
  • Foreign travel emergency coverage (80%, up to plan limits)
  • Skilled nursing facility coinsurance
If you see a doctor frequently, or you require a lot of health-care services, or are facing mounting out-of-pocket expenses, the comprehensive coverage of Part F generally offers the most help with your Original Medicare costs.

Still wondering what is the right Medicare plan for you? Call the experts at Adler Insurance today at 928-710-1455 to learn more about Medicare Part F or any Medigap plan coverage available to Prescott residents. Learn more at

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Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Adler Insurance, your local Prescott insurance professional, answers: Can seniors get life insurance?

Adler Insurance specializes in helping Prescott seniors get the insurance coverage they need, including life insurance.
Adler Insurance knows that finding the right insurance coverage for Prescott seniors can get confusing. And many seniors wonder if they are eligible for life insurance. At Adler Insurance, we promise to find the right insurance to fit your particular needs.

We specialize in:
  • Medicare Advantage Insurance
  • Life Insurance
  • Medicare Supplement Insurance
  • Medicare Part D Prescription Drugs
  • Long-Term Care Insurance
For example, term life insurance may be an excellent choice. Depending on the term length, the policy pays a death benefit to your beneficiaries if you pass during the term.

It’s a fact that age plays a significant role in purchasing insurance for seniors. And while there are some age restrictions (varies from company to company), the age limit for life insurance is probably higher than you once thought.

Common age cutoffs are:
  • Age 80 for a 10-year term   
  • Age 75 for a 15-year term
  • Age 70 for a 20-year term
  • Age 55 for a 25-year term
  • Age 55 for a 30-year term

Permanent life insurance, generally a more expensive form of insurance, that covers you for the rest of your life is typically limited to 75 or 80 years old. “Final expense”' insurance is sometimes offered to consumers up to 85 years old.

Of course, life insurance gets more expensive as you get older.  But even if you're just past 50 you will probably find the application process a little more complicated than you expected.

The bottom line is that procrastinating on the purchase of insurance can be costly depending on the type of insurance you are buying. If you are age 40 and wait just a decade to buy, your rates could double.  If you want until after 60, you can expect rates to triple!

Are you a senior with questions about purchasing life insurance? Regardless of the type of insurance Prescott seniors may need or want, they can rely on Adler Insurance for a comprehensive and professional review of their situation. To schedule an appointment, contact us at 928-710-1455 or visit us at

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Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Adler Insurance explains Medicare Annual Open Enrollment in Prescott

Adler Insurance is your Medicare specialist in Prescott and can help you select the best coverage for your needs during Open Enrollment.
Turning 65 is one way you become eligible for Medicare. You can also be under 65 and be eligible for Medicare because you are receiving Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI. Open enrollment is the only time people with Medicare can change their health and prescription drug coverage for the following year. Adler Insurance, your Medicare expert in Prescott, is here to help you make sense of Medicare’s 2019 Annual Election Period (also known as Open Enrollment).

Open Enrollment Changes:
  • During Open Enrollment you are allowed to change your Part D or Medicare Advantage (MA) plan.
  • MA or drug plans can change drug coverage lists each year.
  • Your Medicare Advantage plan can also change their network of facilities and physicians
  • MA and drug plans can change how they cover medical services.
  • MA and drug plans can drop additional benefits like dental, vision, and hearing.
When is Medicare’s 2019 Open Enrollment?
  • Medicare’s Open Enrollment is October 15 to December 7, 2018. The effective date of the plan will always be January 1st.
  • Because of the potential changes as listed above, this may be a good time to look at your options!
Does Medigap have an Open Enrollment for 2019?
  • No. You can switch from one Medigap plan to another during this time, but you will have to answer medical questions. 
  • If you want to switch from Medicare Advantage to Medigap, you will also be required to answer medical questions. There may be a exception if you qualify for special enrollment.

Medicare Open Enrollment is the time to shop around to make sure you have the best plan for your needs. Adler Insurance, your Medicare expert in Prescott, is here to help. If you have questions about Medicare coverages, give the experts at Adler Insurance a call at 928-710-1455. Learn more about Medicare and the other services we offer at

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Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Adler Insurance shares information on choosing a Medicare drug plan in Prescott

To learn more about presciprtion drug plans, contact Adler Insurance in Prescott
If you would help in choosing the best Medicare drug plan for you in the Prescott area, please give Adler Insurance a call. Here are the basics of signing up for a Medicare drug plan:
  • If you do not have a Medicare Advantage plan that includes Part D drug coverage, you must sign up for it separately.
  • You should be signing up for Medicare Part D at the very same time that you enroll in Part B. Do not procrastinate, even if you do not take any prescription drugs regularly right now. Waiting to sign up will cause an extra charge on your premium for every month that you waited. (The only way to avoid this penalty without signing up for Part D is having equivalent drug coverage, called "creditable" coverage. This coverage must come from another source, such as a retiree plan. Your plan administrator can tell you if your plan is equivalent.)
  • Choosing a plan that is right for you can save you thousands of dollars each year in premiums and out-of-pocket drug expenses. It is important to review your Part D coverage every year at open enrollment. This especially important if you have started taking new prescription drugs.
  • Every plan has a star rating. A five-stars is the best. Star ratings are based on factors like how well and promptly the plan handles coverage appeals, customer service, and how many people have complained about the plan.
Choosing the right Medicare drug plan is a decision that can be difficult to make without the help of a professional who understands the various plans offered. If you need to choose a Medicare drug plan in Prescott and don’t know quite where to begin, give the experts at Adler Insurance a call at 928-710-1455. To learn more about life insurance or Medicare options, please visit our website at

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Thursday, June 28, 2018

Adler Insurance discusses comprehensive health insurance coverage in Prescott

Fore healp with comprehensive health care in the Prescott area, please give Adler Insurance a call.
Comprehensive medical insurance describes health insurance that provides coverage for most types of medical expenses. If you are not eligible for Medicare, you may be fortunate enough to be offered health care insurance through your employer. If not, you have a few choices to make and in order to make a better decision, Adler Insurance, your health insurance specialists in Prescott, would like to explain some of your options.

Costs: With comprehensive health care insurance, you’ll be required to pay premiums, deductibles and co-pays. You pay monthly premiums and, in addition, many policies have deductibles which must be met before the policy provides benefits. Finally, whenever you receive health care services, you may need  be required to pay varying amounts, called "co-pays," for services you receive.

Classifications: There are two general classes of comprehensive medical coverage: "Group" and "Individual." You may have a group plan sponsored by your employer, union or professional organization. Group plans typically provide the most benefits at the lowest price. Insurance companies also sell individual plans directly to the public. Individually purchased health insurance usually is more expensive and provides fewer benefits.

Types: The type of coverage you choose is extremely important:
  • FFS - Fee-for-service plans provide the most options, allowing you to use any provider you choose. However, purchasing these plans on the open market can be expensive.
  • HMO - Health maintenance organizations both insure and deliver health care. HMOs are the least expensive but most restrictive plans. You must live in an HMO's service area to join. In addition, all of your healthcare must approved through a single primary care physician. All referrals to specialists must be through the primary care physician as well.
  • PPO - Preferred provider organizations are more expensive than HMOs but less restrictive, meaning referrals are generally not required.
  • POS - Point-of-service plans combine an HMO with a PPO and let their members decide which benefits to use. Cost and restrictions tend to average out between the HMO and the PPO models.
Choosing the right comprehensive health insurance coverage is a decision that can be difficult to make without the help of a professional who understands the various coverages offered. If you need to purchase comprehensive health insurance in Prescott and don’t know where to start, give the experts at Adler Insurance a call at 928-710-1455. To learn more about life insurance or Medicare options, please visit our website at

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Thursday, June 14, 2018

Adler Insurance strives to help Prescott residents determine if you have enough life insurance

Adler Insurance is your expert source for life insurance in Prescott
It is never exact, but there are ways to make sure your loved ones are financially able to cope if something should happen to you, especially unexpectedly. Adler Insurance wants to help Prescott residents determine if you are adequately covered with the right amount of life insurance.

Again, this will not be an exact amount, but a good place to start is by calculating your long-term financial obligations and then subtracting assets. The number that you come up with is the “gap” that you will want your life insurance to fill. There are several formulas you can use to help you arrive at the right numbers. Here are a few:

The outdated rule
One rule, that many believe to be outdated, is the “income multiplied by 10 rule”. This does not take into account inflation, interest and one very important factor: the stay-at-home spouse/parent. Both parents should have a policy, even if one does not work. Should something happen to the stay-at-home parent, there will be hidden income costs that the “income multiplied by 10” will not cover. If you are going to use this calculation method, be sure to keep these things in mind.

Ten times your income, plus $100,000 per child for education
Thinking about education is important when coming up with the right amount to purchase. This is a good start, but do not forget to really study the “income multiplied by 10” to make sure you are taking into account everything.

This formula is probably a better way to go than the two previously mentioned. Why? DIME considers the following: debt, income, mortgage and education. All need to be considered when coming up with the right amount of life insurance.
  • Debt: Make sure this is debt other than the mortgage. And don’t forget to add estimated funeral expenses.
  • Income: How many years will you need this income? Perhaps sitting down with a professional will help you arrive at that figure.
  • Mortgage: What is the amount needed to pay off the mortgage?
  • Education: There are formulas you can use to determine the costs associated with education.

Once you determine which formula to use, you will then want to subtract your assets from that number.

Planning for the future is very important. It is also important to make sure you do not miscalculate when seeing to it that your loved ones will be taken care of. This planning should not be done in isolation. Let the experts at Adler Insurance, your life insurance experts in Prescott, look at your current life insurance policy(s) to make sure you are adequately covered. Call us today at 928-710-1455 and learn more about other types of insurance services we offer at

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Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Adler Insurance wants to help you understand Medicare terminology in Prescott

Adler Insurance can help you understand Medicare terminology in Prescott
Deciding what Medicare coverages are right for you is no simple matter, and Medicare terms can be confusing. To help you make an educated decision about what option is best, Adler Insurance shares a guide to Medicare terms that may help you prepare for enrollment in Prescott.

Open Enrollment:
The annual enrollment period runs from October 15 to December 7. This is when changes may be made to your Medicare coverage if you are already enrolled. Since plan benefits may change from year to year, this is the time to review your health plan to see if your current plan still meets your needs. Changes made during open enrollment are effective on January 1 of the following year.

Original Medicare: Parts A and B are considered original Medicare and are offered by the US Government. Each part covers a different aspect of healthcare services. Part A covers inpatient care at a hospital, skilled nursing facility and in some situations it could also cover care at home. Part B covers such things as visits to your doctor, outpatient physical therapy, and occupational therapy. Between Part A and Part B, approximately 80 percent of healthcare costs are covered.

Medicare Advantage: Medicare Part C is also referred to as Medicare Advantage, and is Medicare-approved private insurance that you can purchase. Medicare pays these insurance companies to cover your Part A and B coverages. Also known as MA Plans, they are designed to save you out-of-pocket costs, and offer additional benefits such as dental care, eyeglasses and wellness programs.

Prescription Coverage: Medicare Part D is prescription drug coverage. This can be stand-alone, or a coverage that is sometimes included in a Medicare Advantage Plan. When choosing a prescription drug plan, be sure to review the formulary (list of covered drugs) to make sure any medications you take are covered in the plan.

Medigap: Medigap is private insurance coverage that supplements original Medicare and fills in the “gap” between what you are charged and what Medicare pays. The premiums are typically higher, but it reduces out-of-pocket costs for co-pays, deductibles and coinsurance.

Parts F, G, K, L, M and N are additional Medicare supplement plans that lower your out-of-pocket costs by varying degrees.

Hopefully this guide has given you some insight on what to look for when choosing or reviewing your Medicare plan. Adler Insurance, your Medicare expert in Prescott, can help you select the plan that will save you money and best fit your medical care needs. Call us today at 928-710-1455 and learn more about other types of insurance services we offer at

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Thursday, May 17, 2018

Adler Insurance helps you to decide the right Medicare supplement in Prescott

Adler Insurance can help you decide the right Medicare Supplement in Prescott
Although the federal Medicare program pays the lion’s share of medical expenses for those that use it, it still pays to look into the supplement policies as they help to pay for certain expenses not covered by Medicare. Adler Insurance helps you to navigate the Medicare supplements in Prescott and decide what is right for you.
When can I apply for a supplement policy?

Generally speaking, when you elect coverage from Medicare Part B, you have 6 months of open enrollment time for a supplement policy. This is the same whether you have Medicare due to age or disability. If you do not enroll in a supplement policy within the open enrollment window, you can be denied due to health conditions. Again, this is generally speaking. There are some exceptions, but you are safe to assume that 6-month window.

Does the supplement policy cover prescription drugs?
If you are looking for prescription drug coverage, it may be best to go with the Medicare prescription drug plan, as supplements may not include drug plans.

MedicareAdvantage Plans
MedicareAdvantage plans are privately sold insurance plans for a monthly fee that provide the standard Medicare benefits plus additional supplements. This is formerly known as Medicare+Choice plans.

Medicare Select Plans
Medicare Select plans are very similar to PPO plans. If you stay in network, the plan will be a lower cost.

Medigap policyA Medigap policy is basically just how it sounds. It pays the gaps that Medicare does not cover. It is sold by private insurance companies.

Am I qualified for a Medigap policy?

Not everyone qualifies for Medigap. Some reasons that may keep you from qualifying are: being enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan, having Medicaid, being under the age of 65 and disabled or having end stage Renal disease. Also, generally speaking, you must have both Medicare part A and part B.

Let Adler Insurance help you with sorting out Medicare supplements in Prescott. We will see to it that you pick the right supplement plan for your specific needs. This article is not exhaustive, so it’s in your best interest to sit down and become fully educated on the supplement policies. If you need more information on how to choose your Medicare plan, call Adler Insurance at 928-710-1455 and discover more at

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Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Adler Insurance suggests adding Medicare to your to do list when moving to Prescott

Adler Insurance navigates Medicare requirements in Prescott
Did you recently move to Prescott from another state? Even though you have to do lists a mile long, make sure that Medicare is on that list. Adler Insurance has put together this article to help you navigate through the Medicare requirements when moving to Prescott.

What type of coverage do you have?

The first thing to address is figuring out what type of Medicare coverage you have. If you reside in the United States or its territories, you can keep your original Medicare coverage (Part A and B). It is important to notify your new local health care provider about the move and they/we can help you with that transferring of records.

Do you Qualify for SEP?

If you have the Medicare supplement policy and/or Part D Prescription Drug Plan, you will want to keep a lookout for a Special Election Period, also known at SEP. Moving to another state will qualify you for the SEP. You need to notify the plan prior to moving and your SEP is four months long. If you wait until after moving to notify the plan, you have two months plus the month you notified. Just know, if you do not enroll in a new Medicare Prescription Drug Plan during your SEP, you may find yourself without drug coverage.

There are other parts of Medicare that need to be addressed, as well. Medicare Advantage plan, stand alone Medicare Part D, Medigap and even Social Security are all subject to change when you move. Just know that each and every part needs to be examined to make sure that you transfer and/or enroll properly in Arizona, so not to lose coverage or pay unnecessary penalties.

Let Adler Insurance help you with sorting out Medicare when, and even before moving to Prescott. We will make sure that you are ready for SEP, if needed, and properly enrolled with all other pieces of Medicare. The main thing is to be prepared and educated. If you need more information on making a move to Prescott with your Medicare plan, call Adler Insurance at 928-710-1455 and discover more at

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Thursday, April 12, 2018

Adler Insurance answers whether Medicare will pay for long-term care in Prescott

Will Medicare pay for long-term care in Prescott Info from Adler Insurance
Adler Insurance is a resource to help you understand Medicare and we are here to answer the question, “Will Medicare pay for long-term care in Prescott?” This is a complicated question, and it pays for you to understand prior to being faced with having to make these decisions. The biggest mistake people make is to assume Medicare will take over the financial burden of long-term care in full. While Medicare’s role is limited and sometimes confusing, you can start by understanding some concepts of long-term care.

What is long-term care?

There are two types of long-term care: custodial care and skilled care. Custodial care can be simply defined as care given to people who need help with basic, everyday living, such as getting dressed, cooking meals, bathing, and other basic day-to-day tasks. Skilled care requires medical training and licenses. When it comes to Medicare’s financial involvement, the main question is whether medical/skilled care is required. Medicare does not cover custodial care, but they will help with skilled care.

Over time, long-term care will become more complicated as the need of care changes. The main thing to remember is that Medicare will take part of the financial burden only if the care is prescribed by a doctor and is considered medical care. When a patient requires a nursing home or skilled nursing facility, a general rule of thumb is that Medicare will help for a limited time if 1) the care is recovery and 2) after a hospital stay for at least three days. Medicare will pay anywhere from 80-100% over the course of 100 days. After that, there are supplemental insurance solutions to be considered.

Medicare is certainly limited when it comes to long-term care, but there are other options to be aware of. The main thing is to be prepared and educated prior to the need. The key is to know what parts of long-term care in Prescott that Medicare will pay for, and Adler Insurance can help you navigate these questions. If you and your family are facing these questions now or in the near future, call Adler Insurance at 928-710-1455 and discover more at

Medicare Solutions in Prescott
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Thursday, March 29, 2018

Adler Insurance Helps Prescott Residents Compare Whole Life and Term Life Insurance

For your life insurance and Medicare needs contact Adler Insurance in Prescott
The insurance experts at Adler Insurance understand that life insurance can be confusing. In order to make important decisions about life insurance in Prescott, it’s important to understand what is whole life and term life policies. Life insurance can be a very flexible and powerful financial tool that can meet multiple financial objectives, from providing financial security to building financial assets and leaving a legacy for the future. Deciding whether to purchase whole life or term life insurance is a personal decision that should be based on the financial needs of your beneficiaries, as well as your personal financial goals. Let’s look at some of the main features of term life and whole life.

Term Life Insurance
  • Provides death benefits only
  • Pays benefits only if you die while the term of the policy is in effect
  • Easiest and most affordable life insurance to buy
  • Purchased for a specific time period, such as 5, 10, 15, or 30 years, known as a “term”
  • Becomes more expensive as you age, especially after age 50
  • The term must be renewed if you want coverage to be extended beyond the term length
  • Can be converted to whole life insurance
Whole Life Insurance
  • Covers you for life
  • Provides death benefits
  • Cash value accumulation that builds during the life of the policy
  • You typically must qualify with a health examination
  • May be purchased without a medical exam, but at a higher cost
  • Takes 12 to 15 years to build up a decent cash value
  • Can be a good choice for estate planning
  • Cash value is based on how much the return on investment is worth
  • A portion of the cash value can be withdrawn or borrowed during the life of the policy
  • Initially has more expensive premiums than term life insurance, but can potentially save you money over the life of the policy if in force for a considerable number of years
There are other factors that will help you determine the type of life insurance policy that is right for you, such as:
  • Your current age
  • Your health
  • Financial needs of your family and the age of your children
  • Plans for funeral and death expenses
  • Your current financial situation such as mortgage and debts
  • Your feelings on potentially paying into a term policy and never receiving any of that value back
With all these things to think about, most people depend on an experienced insurance broker to help them find the right policy for their needs. For Prescott residents, help is as close as Adler Insurance. Call us today at 928-710-1455, or to learn more about the health and life products we can offer, please visit our website at

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Thursday, March 15, 2018

Adler Insurance Helps Prescott Seniors Understand Medicare Part D

Part D is the section of medical coverage for seniors that covers prescription drugs. Medicare patients are generally less informed about their Medicare Part D plan options than they let on. In fact researchers found that almost 2/3 of respondents claimed their understanding of Medicare was “not much at all” or “not at all”. Adler Insurance, your independent Medicare broker in Prescott, understands that the ins and outs of Medicare can be baffling and that’s why we’re here to help Prescott seniors understand their options, not only on part D, but all Medicare coverages.

If you have a Medicare Advantage Plan, most of them cover Parts A, B and D - You get all of your Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance) and Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) coverage, and prescription drug coverage (Part D), through these plans. Medicare Advantage Plans with prescription drug coverage are sometimes called “MA-PDs.”

Medicare Prescription Drug Plan (Part D) (sometimes called "PDPs") add drug coverage to Original Medicare, some Medicare Cost Plans, some Medicare Private Fee-for-Service (PFFS) Plans, and Medicare Medical Savings Account (MSA) Plans.

One major reason it is important to compare Medicare plans is the constantly changing formularies. Medicare plans update their formularies, drug costs and reimbursements every two weeks. Usually these changes are not too drastic, but over a full year, small changes in pricing or coverage could cause immense differences in costs for an individual. You may find that a drug that had a $10 co-pay last year, may have a much larger co-pay this year, or maybe it’s not even covered any longer by your current Medicare coverage.

Each year during Open Enrollment, everyone who is Medicare eligible has the opportunity to make changes to their plans. Outside of the Open Enrollment period, there are other situations that may allow you to make changes to your Medicare plan, such as:
  • 90 days before or after turning 65
  • Moving to another State or even County
If you would like some help in understanding the wide range of choices available to you for Part D, or any Medicare coverage in Prescott, why not give the experts at Adler Insurance a call at 928-710-1455. To learn more about our services, please check out our website at

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